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Honoring our Volunteer Health Equity Champion: Dr. George Steele

Updated: May 24

Phoenixville Free Clinic relies on dedicated volunteers, generously

giving of their time and talents, to ensure that every member of our

community receives the healthcare they deserve, no matter their circumstances.

This year, to show our gratitude, we are honoring our first Health Equity Champion. This award celebrates those whose unwavering commitment to health equity has transformed lives and inspired us all, honoring a remarkable individual whose exceptional contributions have made a profound impact on advancing health equity within PFC and beyond. From providing compassionate, essential medical services to the uninsured to advocating for change that addresses the root causes of healthcare disparities, the recipient of this award embodies the principles of fairness, justice, and inclusivity in healthcare.

Our Health Equity champion this year is Dr. George Steele, whose efforts serve as a testament to the transformative power of volunteerism and inspire others to join the fight for a more equitable healthcare system.

Dr. Steele has been volunteering with PFC for 8 years, supporting our patients with his 24+ years of patient care experience. Formerly on the faculty of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, he held positions at Duke, Brown, UNC, and the Medical College of

Pennsylvania. After retiring from Pfizer’s Immunology and Rare Diseases division, he now volunteers at PFC practicing Integrative Medicine on Tuesdays and Thursdays. “It has been a privilege to work with the staff, patients and other volunteers at Phoenixville Free Clinic. In collaboration we’re moving the individuals we serve and the community as a whole toward wellness — that’s what we are here for.”

By celebrating his contributions, we hope to amplify his voice and catalyze further progress

toward a future where access to quality healthcare is a fundamental right for all.

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