Volunteer Positions
Volunteers typically assist Phoenixville Free Clinic on a weekly basis for a half or full day shift (8:30 am-12pm | 12:30pm-4pm).
We are always looking for volunteers with the following qualifications:
• Friendliness
• Dependability
• Flexibility and ability to handle the unexpected
• Willingness to share time, skills, and interests
• Respect for the confidentiality of our patients and their families
The following is a general list of volunteer opportunities available at Phoenixville Free Clinic. Please contact us to determine what volunteer positions are open at this time:
Medical Volunteer Roles
Behavioral Health Provider
Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner
Nurse/Medical Assistant (RN/LPN/EMT)
Ancillary Healthcare Provider
Non-Medical Volunteer Roles
Front Desk/Reception
Business Office
Data Entry and Analysis
Volunteer Office
Project Support
Facilities Maintenance
To find out more about our available volunteer opportunities, please contact Sheila Rossi, Volunteer Director, at 610-935-1134 ext. 133, or email volunteerdirector@phoenixvillefreeclinic.org.